Martin Brudnizki grew up in Stockholm; his mother was a visual merchandiser, and his father a civil engineer. Here starts a mix that I know many creatives would die for - practical and creative (neither of which I can sadly lay a claim to). He went to university in Stockholm to study business whilst his dear friend took a different route and travelled to London to study interior design. On the friend's return, Martin looked through his portfolio and thought to himself, 'I think I can do better than this'. So he followed in his friend's footsteps and enrolled at the American University in London to study architecture and design.
He found the anonymity of London liberating and thoroughly enjoyed the course, but upon finishing he had to return to Stockholm as Sweden had yet to join the EU. His return was in 1992, at the height of the recession in Sweden, so instead of putting his newly acquired skills into practice, he ended up working in a building society. Thankfully he was rescued from this position by his former teacher at the American University in London, Michael Wolfson, who offered Martin a job working with him. By this time Sweden was part of the EU, and Martin started his professional journey into interior design. He went to work with David Gill, then David Collins, with whom he stayed for a few years until he set up on his own.
Martin's work is compiled of an even mix of commercial and residential projects. He designed restaurants such as Cote, Jamie's Italian & Strada, that was until Director of the Caprice Holdings, Richard Caring, enlisted him to redesign the iconic Scotts restaurant in Mayfair, the second oldest restaurant in London. This was the start of the grand list of restaurants, members clubs and bars that Martin Brudnizki has helped reach their iconic status. I remember not so long ago walking past Harry's Bar on my way home; intrigued, I put my face up against the window in amazement. I had never seen such an interior; It was plush and uber-luxurious. My dreams of living in the film Gigi had finally been realised. That was until a waiter caught me with my nose up against the glass - I hurried away feeling like an extra in Oliver. Not only do his projects look the business, but they are also universally recognised as his countless awards attest to. To add another string to his bow, last year saw the release of his excellent furniture range ‘And Objects’. With all this, he must feel extremely happy that he has now reached the pinnacle of his career with his Tete a Tat interview!
Favourite Restaurant?
Happy Place?
Walking the downs in West Sussex. I live between a Viking burial ground and Saxon hill fort and love the idea of walking lanes druids and drovers have walked for centuries.
Favourite Colour?
Green. All varieties apart from lime. Although I’m sure I could make a lime moment work.
Do you believe in ghosts?
Not really. I believe in places and their ability to have soul. For instance, the drawing-room in my house has played host to many characters, from Churchill to Edward James and Rex Whistler and I like to imagine the conversations that have taken part between its walls.
Dream Drink?
Negroni Sbagliato. Also partial to a Frangelico after dinner. It’s like Ferrero Rocher in liquid form.
Best Advice You Have Been Given?
My father once said, “focus on the here and now and the future will fall into place”. So often we dream of the future but living and working at the moment is so important.
Worst Habit?
Drinking coffee and eating chocolate. Also my favourite habit.
A Favourite Holiday From The Past?
I have had some wonderful times in Hydra over the past few years.
Do You Believe In Star Signs?
I know it’s not fashionable to say no but not really. Although a full moon has an almost lycanthropic effect on me as I always have a really restless sleep.
A Film You Can Watch Again & Again Without Getting Bored?
I seem to have four films I watch at different parts of the year, every year. Summer, I watch the Talented Mr Ripley. Autumn is Gosford Park. Winter, I like The Leopard (for those long wet Sunday afternoons) and Spring it is the biopic on Cecil Beaton, Love Cecil which is full of artistry and optimism.
Favourite Day of The Week?
Friday – when I wake up in the country after a week in London.
A Song That Can Always Make You Tap Your Foot?
The Flat Foot Floogie