I have decided to try something new at Tat. Instead of just selling goods that I have sourced, we thought it might be good to have some pieces from an eye more refined than mine. For this first trial, I asked none other than my mother, Liz Elliot. She has worked at House & Garden for a healthy handful of years and has probably seen more houses than I have had hot dinners. Her exquisite taste; has been the guiding light at Tat. I constantly try and impress her with my acquisitions. I feel elated the times I do, and the other times, well, I get pretty defensive. I can't thank her enough for rifling through her collection and taking part in Tete a Tat. It's not in her nature to get her to talk about herself so this was a bit of a triumph. If you would like a complete introduction to this excellent woman, click here to read my previous piece on her.
What is your favourite day of the week?
Rather incongruously, Thursday as it means that with Friday tomorrow you have the weekend to look forward to and there is not the usual muddle of plans that a weekend demands.
Do you believe in ghosts?
I think I probably do, or rather another force that we don't understand? Unexplained sounds, disappearances etc never seem to have an explanation so I just put them down to this belief

Favourite Restaurant?
Sadly both are in the past; Peter Langan’s Odin’s that most are too young to remember was in Marylebone. It was supremely comfortable, with dark brown walls, low lighting, white tablecloths and the walls covered almost frame to frame with his own personal collection of art. The food, though good, was almost immaterial, it was seduction heaven.
The other The Delaunay when under Jeremy King. Enough said.
Best Moment in your career so far?
It is difficult to pinpoint one specific moment with a very varied CV, but in my present position, I think it was photographing Robert Kime’s flat. He had long been a bench mark in interiors, and it was a joy to see each beautiful object put together in his inimitable style.
Any good advice? Who gave it to you?
As an extremely late developer, “ All tomatoes don’t ripen at the same time “
Given to me by my husband the writer Henry Porter
Happy Place?
The west coast of Scotland, overlooking the sea.

Top Destination in the UK?
Each year we go to the Edinburgh Festival. Having spent much of my youth there it makes me feel young again, and Edinburgh is so beautiful too.
What would your autobiography be called?
‘There is always something around the corner ‘
What is the worst job you’ve done?
Working as a housemaid in a Holiday Inn in America. It has made me very aware of leaving a tidy bedroom on departure!

Favourite Smell?
Newly mown lawns, or the smell of heather.
What is your biggest irrational fear?