When I first left House & Garden to pursue Tat full time, Pentreath & Hall let me pop up in their shop next door! It was such a treat as I have always adored P&H. They have been kind enough to offer up their next-door shop again. So we will be there from the 4th- 9th July from 11 am - 6 pm (apart from Saturday 9th July when we will close at 2 pm).
I will be there manning the shop, so it will be lovely to meet any of you willing to pop by! We will have lots of new stock for this delightful date and some old pieces that I think deserve to be seen IRL.
Obviously, Lambs Conduit Street is the bomb, so why not tie it into a visit to Nobel Rot, Ciao Bella and, of course, Pentreath & Hall.
4th - 9th July
11am - 6pm (apart from Saturday 9th, 2pm)