I love a hamper; I genuinely find it a thrilling gift. Opening a box and rummaging around to see what delights are inside, it's an adult lucky dip. This love came from winning a hamper in a raffle at the age of seven. I couldn't quite get over all the dry goods I suddenly owned. That spark has persisted, and although I love receiving them, I find the excitement of sending them even more satisfying. When so many gifts can fall by the wayside, not being used for the rest of the year, here you can give a gift that will be used for the festive period and a few pieces saved for the year ahead.
We have not tried and tested any of these. We are but two people, but the below are the ones we would most like to receive. Can't say fairer than that.
Best 20 Hampers For Christmas

Provisions Hamper, £40